Oh lordy, another person swept up in some of the nonsense & common misbeliefs largely popularised by the da Vinci Code. If you really think Jesus married Mary Magdelene or that the gnostic gospels are on a par with the canonical gospels, all I can say is you really need to go back and do some a heck lot more real research of reputable scholarship (and by research I don't mean reading pulp websites).
Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi, Deciding on the Bible Canon
by OnTheWayOut ini am learning so much about this great collection of ancient "literature.".
the book of job was a poem.
i already knew from jw's that it's authorship and.
Christ has returned because JW''s say so
by DoubleVision inis the wts guilty of these scriptures: .
(matthew 24:23-27) 23 then if anyone says to you, look!
here is the christ, or, there!
Must obey!
Yes I agree. Good reasoning Shall we leave the borg now or shall we leave later..yeahh baby yeaah!
i knew a dub that used to tell her classmates that they would be destroyed
by looloo inthis was in the 70s , im sure the kids parents wud have been delighted , what a "bad witness" they could have been "stumbled" did any of you do that?
it is so sad that it wase ven put in a 5 year olds head
Must obey!
I used to be like that, but I told them that the end of this system was definitely coming soon, not that they'd be destroyed. I wasn't that much of a pompous little asshole, but I was still a brainwashed, pompous little snot.
I'm soo depressed!
by mind my own inhey guys, just thought i would post.. i try not to let it get to me, but i'm soo sad right now b/c i can't believe my own family won't talk to me b/c i am not a witness!!
i was always there for them, was the daughter, friend, sister etc.
they needed me to be and now - nothing.
Must obey!
Find a nice man, fall in love, get married, have some beautiful children, and fill your universe with love and joy, and forget about your 'blood' family who have been quick to forget about you. Don't introvert and look back....focus your energies outwards, towards other human beings who need your compassion and kindness and love. You will very quickly forget your mean-hearted, phoney-Christian relatives.
Must obey!
19) Are you helping your children to 'keep themselves without spot from the world'? (James 1:27) Satan would like to reel in your children as a man reels in fish. Various clubs and other organizations are designed to make young people fit in with Satan's world. But Jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things. So Christian youths should be encouraged to have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:58) Godly parents need to assist their children to set goals that will give them a happy and rewarding life that honors God and helps them to be ready for Jehovah's day.
This paragraph from the article is just sickening. It reeks of arrogance and hypocrisy. I even used to cringe at this kind of paragraph when I was a full-on, dedicated JW.
Who are the ones that failed to keep thtemselves without spot from the world? The Watchtower Society, by joining the UN's DPI as an NGO and acting as a publicity agent for the UN, that's who! The rotten assholes at the Watchtower Society tell JW parents it is wrong for their kids to be in any 'clubs and other organizations' but the Watchtower Society secretly joined the UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION for 10 years and only resigned from that organisation when PUBLICLY EXPOSED BY INTERNATIONAL MEDIA!
That's right...tell off JW parents and beat up on the JW children yet again all the while do dirty, sneaky, under-the-table deals with the UN, who you rebuke all other religions for fraternising with. And then whitewash and deny the whole scandal when it becomes public knowledge. Their gross hypocrisy and double standards knows no end.
The poor JW kids cannot even join their local table tennis club now. No, it's not enough that JW kids cannot have birthdays, Christmas, easter, and be sexually abused by thousands of perverts who are hiding in the paedophile paradise known as 'Jehovah's organisation', and that they must die rather than have a blood transfusion...NOW LITTLE JOHNNY IS SERVING SATAN BY JOINING A LOCAL SPORTS CLUB!
YOU are the ones who got reeled in by Satan, Teddy Jaracz and the rest of you old,lying filthy HYPOCRITES! LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE you demented, craven old fools.
Your debased religious organisation will be the FIRST to be destroyed at Armageddon, make no mistake about that. And all the GB will rot in hades before they see the end of this system!
God they makes my blood boil. I'm so damn angry at this utter crap, sorry.
Must obey!
sorry double post
Anyone ever disfellowshipped for gluttony?
by gaiagirl ini never knew or heard of anyone, and remember many, many members of congregations who clearly ate much more than they needed to for health.
since the bible lumps gluttons with other "sinners" such as fornicatiors, why does wtbts not prosecute gluttons?
perhaps elders meetings aren't as much fun when you only get to ask questions like "what did you eat next?
Must obey!
A JW can stuff their face and pack on the pounds til they are a huge, greedy, fat, bloated PIG, and they will NEVER face a JC. But if they get caught smoking a few ciggies, they will have their ass hauled before a JC lickety split!
Histories ultimate neat freak Adolf Hitler!!!
by caliber insorry for the red, remember the commercial "i'm stuck on bandaids and bandaids stuck on me.
" well ha ha i'm stuck on red and red is stuck on me.. order and neatness are often equated with purity and righteousness.
how many of us have not heard the expression cleanliness is next to godliness the saying goes.
Must obey!
Yeah you've just proven beyond a doubt that all JW's are nazis. What a stretch.
WILL JW's MURDER as an organization during an "invisible" Armageddon?
by GoddessRachel inthis was my post on another thread but it needed it's own thread so as not to topic/thread steal.
someone (voideater, i think...) made this comment on another thread, facetiously:armageddon has arrived!
but...invisibly.... this was my reaction to it, and i'm curious what people think.
Must obey!
Many rank & file JW's are religious zealots but let's not demonise them like they do to apostates.
If you could get a Bible Study to visit ONE WEBSITE....
by inkling inok, so right on the cusp of my awakening, i had a sorta-bible study with the man who had almost died in a nasty car wreak .
(he was saved by a like a gallon of tranfused blood, btw).
when i stopped going out in service, the study was taken over by a rather dimwitted witness on conservative side .
Must obey!
I would never recommend that sixscreensofthewatchtower website. It has great graphics, etc, but it is completely over the top. It's full of emotionalism and vitrolic hatred for the Society. The whole website gives me the creeps.